There are many beautiful flowers out there, but when it comes to bold reds, annuals come to mind first. Some of the most popular and eye-catching annuals are those in the petunia family. Petunias are available in a large variety of colors and they do well indoors too. Here are 7 gorgeous examples of bold reds that will brighten up your garden this season!
One of the best things about Celosia is the amazing variety of colors it comes in. Red is one of the most popular colors, and it’s quite a showstopper. The spire-like shape of these blooms is perfect for any garden. Be sure not to overwater these flowers while they’re growing; instead, plant them in a well-drained area and mist them lightly. These are delicate flowers that need protection from colder temperatures, so make sure you grow them in zones 10 and 11. If you want to display your Celosia, you can dry them upside down and preserve their beauty for as long as you wish!
Native to tropical and subtropical forests, begonias require plenty of sunlight to thrive. Their foliage and flowers are equally beautiful, making them a great option for your garden or windowsill. Begonia plant care is easy—they grow well in zones 9-11 and can be kept as houseplants in other regions if provided with enough light.
Chrysanthemums are popular as decorative flowers because of the meanings associated with each color. Red chrysanthemums, for example, symbolize love and can be seen in many gardens. These flowers come in a variety of forms, but are most often seen with daisy-like petals and decorative interior pompons. Chrysanthemums bloom best when they’re kept dry with at least five hours of sunlight in zones 5-9.
The showy blooms of a red dahlia make it an exquisite addition to any garden. Dahlias are a variety that can bloom in the summer and late fall. They play well with other plants and flowers, which is why they’re often grown for cut flowers around the house. Because they’re susceptible to frost, they should be grown in zones 2-11 when gardeners take special care to avoid frost.
There are many colors and varieties of petunias, which thrive in areas with warm weather. They can be grown in colder climates, but they require a lot more care. Petunias are trumpet-shaped and come in 3-4” blooms that grow upright.
Impatiens love dry soil and hot, sunny spots. They do well in zones 2-11 and will even grow in a full shade. Red impatiens are very cheerful flowers that thrive in containers. Their purple center eye is beautiful, with five broad petals framing the flower.
Red geraniums are a popular choice for gardens because they’re easy to grow and even do well when moved inside during the winter months. Geraniums come in a variety of colors, but all emit a pleasant fragrance from their pleated rosette blooms. They look great in pots and window boxes and will grow best in zones 10 and 11, but can grow as low as zone 7 if cared for properly.
Red annuals are a beautiful addition to any garden, and there are plenty of gorgeous options to choose from. We hope our list has helped you narrow down your choices and find the perfect red annual for your garden. Be sure to pay attention to the sun and water requirements of each plant before making your final decision, and happy gardening!