Flowers are the perfect way to brighten up a garden, and yellow flowers have always been one of our favorites. With their sunny hue, they almost seem like little pieces of sunshine themselves! In this list you’ll find 13 different plants that can be grown in your garden with ease, thanks to how brightly colored each plant is.
Who doesn’t love yellow flowers?
They never fail to brighten your mood and sometimes even a day. Plus they really stand out in any garden, not just annuals or perennials for the summer containers.
Calibrachoas are perennial plants with trailing foliage that fit in well in zones 9+. They’re perfect for mixing up your outdoor beds or putting into hanging flower baskets.
The dahlia plants are wonderful perennials with their colors and interesting shapes. They will come back year after year, even if the ground froze.
The dalia plants are perfect for both the ground and in pots. Some of them can grow up to 48 inches tall with flowers that are a bright yellow color from time-to-time!
There’s even one type of dahlia plant called “dinner plate” which has huge blooms that make them particularly gorgeous additions any garden or potting bench.
The cosmos are an annual flower that can be used in the garden to create a more dramatic look. Tall sun lovers are fascinating because they can reach heights of up to 48″.
Canna Lilies
Canna are perennials that can be grown in any climate. They grow incredibly tall (about 8 feet) with colorful, light yellow flowers and leaves.
Moss rose is an annual plant that likes sun and shade. It’s a drought tolerant plant with succulent looking foliage as well as bold colorful flowers!
These annuals will brighten up any garden. Their flowers have yellow petals that make them easy to spot, and they come in many colors. They only grow to 12 inches tall and can be tamed down with a bit of shearing if they start to get too big.
Coreopsis are a popular addition to gardens. Their delicate flowers dance throughout the garden with every breeze they get! They also reseed themselves, so you can grow them as perennials if desired.
Now you can grow your very own sunflower! They are bright and beautiful, love the sun, and are a great way to provide food for bees.
Calendula is a beautiful annual flower that can be found in part shade or full sun. This beautiful native North American perennial is perfect for your garden.
African daisy
This flowering plant is a tender perennial, often used as annuals. These plants grow up to 12-18″ tall and like lots of direct sunlight with an ideal temperature range between 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit to thrive in the dry soil.
Zinnias are great to grow in the summer. They grow well in full sun, and they are a variety that has yellow petals. There are different colors of zinnias; some have solid colors with white or orange mixed into it as well.
Petunias are perennials that often sold as annuals. They do well with full sunlight to part shade, grow up to 18-24 inch long stems and have fragrant blooms.
This flower thrives in zones 8 through 10, and produces a 6 – 12 inch tall flower.It is a bright yellow daisy that looks great when planted in borders or pots!