We all love lemons. Lemons had so many benefits and so many uses in our daily life. People who are trying to reduce body fat and blood pressure, lemons are a great answer.
In my home, we use lemons in making curry dishes, sweet dishes, lemon tea, lemon water and pickles. By the way, lemon water is my favorite summer beverage.
There are tons of varieties of lemons you can grow in your garden. I suggest you try every one of them, so you can pick your favorite one.
Or if you are a beginner, you should go with a local and most popular variety of your area. You can easily find that variety from your local plant stores or nurseries.
Lemons are an excellent source of vitamin C.
Tips for How to Grow a Lemon Tree
Growing a lemon tree is pretty straightforward. You don’t have to be a gardening pro to get started with one.
That being said, there are a few steps you’ll want to follow to help ensure your lemon tree is able to successfully grow.
1. Room to Grow
You’ll want to start your seedling off in a pot that is roughly 24 inches wide and 12 inches deep. Your lemon tree is going to need plenty of room to grow.
Later on, after the tree is a couple of feet in height, you’ll want to transplant it to a larger planting pot. The new pot should be around six inches wide and six inches deep.
2. Moist Soil
Make sure the soil for your lemon tree remains moist. Not soaking wet that it’ll drown the seedling, but damp.
You want to be careful not to overwater your lemon tree. Overwatering can cause root rot. If you overwater your lemon tree, symptoms you might see are its leaves turning a paler color, leaves falling off, and rot occurring near the base.
3. Starting With a Seed
If you’re starting off with a seed to start your lemon tree, dig a tiny hole that is about half an inch deep in the middle of the pot. Place the seed in the hole and cover with soil. Then spray the soil above the seed with water.
4. Plenty of Sun
Be sure to place the pot somewhere where the seed will get plenty of light. Lemon trees need at least eight hours of light per day.
During the summer, it’s advised that you place your lemon tree outdoors. If it’s in the winter, you might need to supplement the sun with a grow light to keep your tree healthy.