If you are looking out for a flower that will stay in bloom for many months and can be simply grown by scattering seeds, then the cosmos are a perfect choice. Cosmos flower is in vibrant colors red, yellow, orange, white and pink. These plants have a height of about 6 feet and they have ferny foliage of very delicate texture. These flowers are ideal as decorations, used as cut flowers in arrangements and perfect for attracting the butterfly, hummingbirds and enticing beneficial insects in the garden. Cosmos is native to Mexico.
Cosmos Care
Cosmos grow easily in beds and make great cut flowers. When established, the plants can handle drought, poor soil conditions, and general neglect. They even self-sow. This is a truly low-maintenance plant.
While some pests, like aphids, flea beetles, and thrips, do enjoy cosmos, they’re easy to control with a strong spray of water or insecticidal soap. Aster yellows, bacterial wilt, and powdery mildew may also affect cosmos.1 Space plants accordingly to ensure good airflow to avoid diseases.
The taller varieties look good in the middle or rear of the border with goat’s beard, coneflowers, and black-eyed Susans. Shorter varieties make very colorful, airy edging plants.
When to Sow
Cosmos seeds should be sown between March and April for the best results.
How to Sow
Cosmos seeds should be sown into a small tray, filled with compost, about 3mm deep and watered in, cover with a sheet of glass or polythene and keep the seeds in a warm place (about 15 to 25 °C) such as a greenhouse or warm windowsill. This will help the germination of the seeds which should take about a week.
How to Grow
Cosmos plants can be planted out in the garden when all the danger of frost has passed. This is usually around May. It is best to plant them in a sunny spot and into soil which has has some organic material, such as Farmyard Manure, dug into it. This will help them to retain water. They should be planted 30 to 45 cm (12-15 inches) away from each other to allow for bushy growth. If your garden is in a windy location it is a good idea to stake and tie the plants. However, normally the plants should be sturdy enough to require support.
As you plant the Cosmos plants into the garden it is advisable to pinch out the growing tip of each stem. Pinching out involves squeezing the growing tip off between your finger and thumb. This reduces the plant size and will encourage the plant