After tossing and turning all night, you’re awakened by the sound of your annoying alarm clock just minutes after finally managing to nod off. You feel drained from lack or sleep-deprived energy that can take a toll on both your productivity and mood for days following this event!
Not only do natural flowers and plants bring vitality to any space, but these amazing plants also promote healthier sleeping patterns. Not sure what type of plant would work well for you? Check out our guide!
With stress and anxiety causing half of all insomnia issues, it’s a good idea to fill your home with plants that have soothing effects. After all studies clearly show when we spend time in nature the stress-levels go down so why not bring this indoors?
If you are looking for a way to improve your home, consider installing plants that purify the air while sleeping. NASA has done an extensive study on this topic and found many great options!
Check out the best plants you definitely need in your bedroom if you lack sleep lately!
The jasmine flower is a great way to release stress and tension, while also increasing your mood. One study found that it reduced anxiety levels by more than 50%. This has been shown in other research as well; increased quality sleep leads not just better rest but higher alertness during the day!
There aren’t many downsides either – with such beautiful pink or ivory blossoms you’ll have an unforgettable experience adding this into your bedroom!
Have you ever noticed how calming lavender is? Maybe the most well-known of all plants when it comes to inducing sleep and reducing anxiety levels. Research backs up these claims, with aromas shown from slowing down heart rate as well lower blood pressure or stress level so that one can fall into a deep slumber much easier than before!
The calming scent of lavender is shown to reduce stress, sending both mother and child into deeper sleep. In one study it decreased crying in babies while also reducing their mothers’ stress levels!
So, why not put this lovely plant in your bedroom?
The Snake Plant is a hardy, easy to care-for plant that not only improves indoor air quality but also helps you sleep better at night.
The plant produces oxygen while taking in carbon dioxide and removing formaldehyde from the atmosphere which can cause headaches or respiratory problems; it filters out trichloroethylene (TCE), benzene as well!
The Aloe is a beautiful plant that can be used as an air-improving option for your home. It works much like the Snake Plant, emitting oxygen at night and making it easier to sleep well while also being easy on neglect since you don’t have too many maintenance needs with this one!
The Aloe Vera plant is called the “plant of immortality” by Egyptians. It reproduces easily so if you buy one, your soon-to-be house will be full with plants!
The gel from its leaves can also heal minor cuts and burns as well as insect bites to make them feel better faster – do you have one in your home?
Gardenias are a beautiful plant choice for bedrooms, with their glossy evergreen leaves and delicately scented blossoms. Studies show that keeping one in your room can help you achieve better quality sleep- as effective at relieving anxiety or promoting restful slumber as Valium!
Gardenias may seem like an easy-to-care flower, but they are actually quite tricky to maintain. If you have insomnia or anxiety and want sleep without any interruptions then investing in one of these beautiful blooms could be an affordable solution for your mental health!
The Spider Plant is not only a champion cleanser of air, but also an excellent odor absorber and purifier. The NASA tests showed it to remove around 90% of the potentially cancer-causing chemical formaldehyde from your home.
Valerian is a plant with sweetly scented pink or white flowers that bloom in the summer.
It’s been used as both perfume and tea since ancient times, but new research has shown how Galen of Pergamum was right when he prescribed Valerian Root for insomnia – simply inhaling its scent will help you fall asleep quickly while ensuring quality slumber!
The English Ivy plant is a great choice for those who suffer from asthma and allergies, because it can remove up to 94% of airborne feces in just 12 hours.
It does this by capturing mold spores that may irritate our respiratory systems while we sleep – which would otherwise cause less than optimal quality or quantity of restful slumber!
Peace Lilies are not just pleasing to the eye, they’re another NASA superstar plant! Not only do these flowers filter out harmful benzene and trichloroethylene toxins that can cause allergies in your house but also help relieve those irritating dry noses and throats.
A nice shady position (out of reach for pets or children) as well weekly watering is all this beautiful flower needs- so, what are you waiting for?