We all know what the cutting process entails with plants. You have to cut in a precise manner and ensure that the tips are placed in a medium or propagator for it to do well. Whilst this process requires a bit of work, there some plants you can cut at a go, sprucing it up with a glass of water for it to do well.
If you fancy maintaining houseplants, and you don’t want to pass through the grueling process of repeated cutting, we’ve carefully chosen 9 plants, that you can start easily with one cut and a glass of water.
1. Pothos
This makes the list first owing to how simple it is to grow the Pothos plant. Pothos is an air-purifying houseplant that you can easily multiply by putting in water, and let it blossom to heart-shaped foliage. A warm area with indirect sunlight is need for it to grow.
2. Croton
Croton is another simple houseplant. Here, take at least 3-6 inches long of croton housing a few leaves and put it in a glass filled with water. Your simple task thereon is to replace the water every 2-3 days. In 4-6 weeks of this process, you should see the cutting blooming with new roots.
3. African Violet
The African Violet is a beauty you can behold in your home. And you can easily grow this just by putting its leaves in a small glass of water. Give it 3-4 weeks to see new roots forming, and about 6-8 weeks to see new leaves sprouting.
4. Inch Plant
This pinkish-purple plant is referred to as the wandering jew owing to its creeping nature. With a 5-6 inches long cutting of this plant dipped in a vase of glass water, expect a new plant in no distant plant. There should be bright indirect sunlight to make the magic work.
5. Spider Plant
The spider plant is another air-purifying plant that you can have in your home. Simply get cuttings of ‘babies’ from the mother plant, and then put it in a glass of water. Watch how it blossoms quickly before your eyes.
6. Dracaena Marginata
Want to have a dragon tree in your home? The Dracaena Marginata is one you can easily propagate. Take a cutting with one or two nodes, and then put in a glass of water with the nodes immersed. Once the roots appear, you can then transplant them into a pot.