Blueberries are super healthy and tasty. However, buying organic fruits and vegetables is too expensive, and we suggest that you grow your own. But, first, let’s go through some of the benefits provided by these berries.
Health benefits
1. Low in calories and high in essential nutrients
A cup of blueberries gives you 3.6 grams of dietary fiber, and 24% of your recommended daily intake of vitamin C. You will also get 36% of vitamin K.
2. Antioxidants
Antioxidants in blueberries prevent cell damage and prevent premature aging. Eat blueberries and stay young! These antioxidants will also help you prevent and treat cancer. Drink blueberry juice to reduce DNA damage by 20%.
3. Blueberries prevent blood cholesterol damage
4. Lower blood pressure
A study has shown that you can lower your blood pressure by 4-6% by eating a 50-gram portion of blueberries every day for 8 weeks.
5. Blueberries optimize brain function and memory
Grow your own blueberries
1. The right spot
Blueberries like rich soil and a lot of sunlight. Sun is important for the photosynthesis of this fruit. The soil takes part in the same process. If you have a garden, consider planting your blueberries in raised beds. Patio containers work well for those who live in apartments. Get yourself a dwarf plant that grows 2 feet high.
2. Blueberries need enough room
A blueberry bush needs 6 feet of space. If you plant a few bushes, make sure there’s 2.5-3 feet space between the bushes.
3. Planting
Plant blueberries in spring, and you will harvest blueberries in July and August.
4. Mulching
Sawdust is perfect for blueberries. You can also use pine bark, rind mulch, and grass clipping. You need 2-4 inches.
5. Pruning
Prune big bushes to strengthen the branches, and remove any dry bits. You should also remove the branches near the root.
6. Fertilization
Unlike inorganic fertilizers, organic fertilizers damage the plant. You can use bloodmeal or cottonseed.
Source: healthyfoodhouse