Low maintenance landscaping allows you to have a beautiful yard without putting in hours of hard work each week. By using low maintenance plants you can design a low maintenance garden that will provide your landscape with beauty and function for years to come.
Low Maintenance Plants
Start by planting low maintenance plants that are suited to your particular landscape and growing climate. Select plants that require minimal pruning, dead-heading, separating and clean-up that grows well in your climate. For example, a slow-growing conifer will require less of your time and energy than an oak tree, and perennials require less planting effort than annuals. Opt for the easiest to maintain trees, flowers and shrubs to meet the landscape needs you have.
If you are not blessed with a green thumb or you simply can’t dedicate enough time to your garden, then you can try these easy-care plants that won’t die on you.
Daylilies are the perfect choice for sloppy gardeners. These robust and adaptable perennials can survive draught, flooding and salt and will thrive perfectly in your garden for years with little or no care. The plants will produce an abundance of flower buds in yellow, purple, red and orange shades.
Agastache is easy to grow and effortless to maintain perennial. Even if it stays neglected for a while, it will do just perfectly. The aromatic flower will invite a whole lot of wild life in your garden. The spiky greenery will not be harmed by the early frost or excessive heat.
“Cosmos” is the Greek word for “harmony” or “ordered universe,” and priests in Mexico named these cheery little blooms because of their evenly placed, orderly petals. They grow easily in full sun to part shade and reseed, so you will get blooms from spring into autumn.
This long-lasting perennials can thrive in a wide range of climates and soil types with little maintenance. Just know that these shade perennials can attract slugs.
Crepe Myrtles
These are drought-tolerant, shade-providing, blooming beauties that all low maintenance garden ideas should incorporate at least one of. Prune to any size or plant it and forget about and the shrub will reach a mature height of 20 feet. Colorful, crepe-like blooms will appear in late summer when most other plants are finished for the season.
Ornamental Grass
Looking for a great garden backdrop? Try ornamental grass. From switchgrass and foutaingrass to feather red grass, these low-maintenance additions will fit any garden style. Consult with professional gardeners for the best type for your area.